Introducing BARE: Bold, Authentic, Raw and Empowering

Self Image seems to be a bit of a tricky thing. I am not saying that I am the poster child of self image and I definitely have seen clients struggle with it. But what I do feel I have gotten better at is managing it in a way that works for me.

A long time ago I thought about giving up photography because the process had become flat and so were the results. That was until I (virtually) met a woman named Sue Bryce that encouraged us to turn the photo session into an experience. To give women an opportunity to see themselves differently. Adding to that, later I (virtually) met another photographer, Kara Marie who also had a focus on giving clients the experience of feeling beautiful and comfortable in their own skin. Each of these photographers have different approaches… but accomplished the same thing of giving people a moment to feel beautiful about themselves, as they were. And I loved it.

Soon after that I discovered a world of therapeutic photography, life coaching with photography and mindfulness with photography. It suddenly clicked for me as to why I liked photography since I was a kid- I felt good taking pictures as a kid because photography essentially is an exercise in mindfulness. I dove in to other topics and started playing in the studio. I could combine my skills as a life coach with photography and really make an impact on individuals I worked with. In fact, one client told me their significant other noticed a continued positive change 2 days after the shoot.

As I have mentioned in previous blog posts I have not always been perfect with self image, self confidence and so on. But hearing this new idea of conducting a session as an experience, to make an impact on others, and then learn there is a whole field around this- I love it. And I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had so far to help others… but I want to do more. Beyond the session. Beyond feeling good for a moment. Can photography be a skill to help others with their self image, manage anxiety and so on? Can a photograph taken in a session be a reference point for a self growth milestone?

So introducing BARE. Bold, Authentic, Raw and Empowering.

I wanted to have groups where women support each other on self image. I want to have a coaching program that help others accomplish their dreams they are holding back on. I want a magazine that shows real people, real beauty- real humans. I want to start a movement. I love people showing who they are. I love people showing their depth. I love people showing who they are in all phases of life, with blemish. To be human is beautiful.


This is not the scream from the rooftops, in your face kind of bold. More of the quiet, beat to your own drum kind of bold. I love that people that think different, do different, are not afraid of it and could care less what you think about it.


Who are you? Not what ‘science’ says. Not what society says. And maybe not even what your mom says. I love people that look in the face of what society says they should be, and say no thank you. I once heard a talk from 2 people that from what science says, should no longer be here but are. They also said no thank you. Who are you? But perhaps more importantly who do you want to become that is authentic to you? I think there is an art to authenticity that is about learning and following what is you, without apology and not what others say.


Who are you behind closed doors? Could your mess help someone else? How is your mess helping shape you? I have personally had a time in my life where I sought the input of others and I think my story could have been different if others were open to me about their similar struggles. I would not have felt so alone. Note this is not a suggestion to shout your woes from the rooftops or climb to the bottom of the victim barrel. It is a suggestion that we do have more of a shared experience than we realize and I believe by sharing the struggle, and the triumphs- we help each other.


I once heard someone say that the best bosses are those that encourage you to improve so much, you outgrow them and leave their team. I want to empower others for positive changes in their own lives. I wants others to empower others.

My mom used to tell us when we were little that we could not change the world, but we could start by changing our little corner. Well not to completely disagree with my mom but I do think there are some people that have changed the world by changing their little corner of it. This is my desire to change my little corner. And offer it to you. To hope like a ripple of water that it spreads. I hope that whether or not you join us for a BARE experience- that you can share goodness with the world. Bold. Authentic. Raw. Empowering.

The first BARE experience is May 6 at 7pm. Sign up here.


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